New Hire Onboarding

What did The Company need?

The Company did not have a scalable, consistent, effective, clearly defined structure or set of resources used to onboard new employees. Lack of such an onboarding program had negative results on productivity, morale, efficiency, and ultimately revenue. The needs assessment detailed pulls both internal and external data together to highlight the specific gaps The Company had when onboarding new employees, the business impacts those gaps had, and recommended solutions to fill those gaps and how those solutions would positively affect the business.

The Recommendations

With all data comes well defined deliverables and objectives. Click the image to the left to read the concise list of strategic initiatives to be implemented in The Company’s onboarding overhaul.

The Deliverable

The Company’s New Hire Onboarding program is designed to be a mix of collaborative and self-guided learning, as both environmental and cognitive factors play a role in the development of new team members.

Because The Company does not have an LMS, we instead implemented an onboarding portal within their CMS, accompanied by unique checklists per role and per person for each new hire to act as individualized lesson plans and progress trackers.

Click each image below to zoom and access the example checklist.

